Is Your Sex Toy Toxic?

Have recent social distancing blockades caused you to spiral into a toxic pit where you can no longer feel the energy and live in the moment? Then, you may find yourself reaching out more frequently to your favorite B.O.B. or in search of new ways to relieve sexual tension, loneliness, and overall frustration. 

At, we encourage positive sexual exploration for both couples and individuals. As such, we know that just like you wouldn’t chose to be in a toxic relationship, you wouldn’t knowingly chose to purchase a body-toxic sex toy—despite pretty packaging or the advertised promise of hours of pleasure.

Unfortunately, not all sex toy retailers and manufacturers share our concern for supplying an outlet to purchase body-safe adult products. Furthermore, the US FDA doesn’t regulate the industry or the materials used to make sex toys that are frequently used orally, anally, and/or applied to other delicate areas of the body. This lack of oversight can place you unknowingly in direct contact with potentially harmful substances.        

Be Aware of These Potentially Harmful Materials & Substances

Whether you are new to sex toy play or a veteran, you may be uncertain about which sex toy materials and substances are truly body-safe. 

A basic rule of thumb is to stay away from anything that is advertised as a single-use product, or does not clearly list what material a toy is made out of. Also, if a product has a strong smell, it’s a good indicator that cheap, harmful materials were used to make it. Don’t be afraid to ask a sales rep for more product details or contact the toy’s manufacturer directly to learn more. A little bit of research and effort can help protect you and a partner from harmful chemicals and other substances. 

Porosity: A Hidden Sex Toy Danger   

Porous sex toys

Another rule to follow is to stay away from sex toys made with porous materials. Why? Because porous surfaces are a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, fungus, and viruses that cannot be  thoroughly removed after each use. 

Just think of all the gunk that can collect on a sponge over time. Now picture your sex toys made out of the same material—but now it’s full of harmful microbes that may lead to a yeast or bacterial infection, cause an outbreak of a pre-existing STD, or increase the risk of possible infection or disease transference to a partner. 

You can help reduce the potential risks associated with porous toys by using a condom as a shield to protect cleanliness, and avoid sharing the toys. Or, just stick with nonporous sex toys that do not easily trap bacteria and can be dinsnfected and sterilized with boiling water, soap, bleach, and specially designed sex toy cleaners

What Makes Phthalates So Dangerous 

Harmful Chemicals Found in Cheap Toys

Phthalates are another health hazard found in some porous materials. If you are not familiar with Phthalates, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has them designated as toxic chemicals.

Phthalates are chemicals that aid in binding things together and make PVC and plastic materials soft and more flexible. 

With each repeated use of a sex toy, phthalates can slowly leak out, exposing individuals to this chemical that some studies suggest may result in an allergic reaction, liver damage, lung damage, kidney damage, damage to the digestive tract, type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalances, breast cancer, asthma, male fertility issues, and more. 

Other Harmful Chemicals Found in Cheap Toys

Phthalates is not the only toxic chemical found in cheap sex toys. Other harmful chemicals to look out for when buying an adult toy include:

  • Acrylamide -- can cause harm to the central nervous system, drowsiness, hallucinations, numbness, ataxia, mammary tumors, cancer, and other peripheral diseases.
  • Admium -- can harm the central nervous system, breastfed children, or an unborn fetus. 
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) -- can cause reduced testosterone levels, disrupted hormones and fetal development, brain and behavior problems, cancer, reduced androgen levels, heart problems, and diabetes. 
  • Cadmium -- can cause cancer and damages the renal, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and reproductive systems.
  • Carbon disulfide -- can cause harm to the central nervous system, harm to breastfed children, harm to an unborn fetus, confusion, headache, coma, and sometimes, death
  • Melamine -- can cause kidney failure, irritability, high blood pressure, and renal damage.
  • Phenol -- can cause harm to the central nervous system, harm to breastfed children, harm to an unborn fetus, and a corrosive effect to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.
  • Trimethyltin chloride -- can cause harm to the central nervous system, harm to breastfed children, harm to an unborn fetus, brain damage, eye damage, respiratory problems, seizures, cancer, and kidney failure.
  • Toluene -- can cause harm to the central nervous system, harm to breastfed children, harm to an unborn fetus, dizziness, cognitive impairment, damage to internal organs, and cancer.
  • Parabens -- can cause harm by altering a person’s endocrine, causing female infertility, reducing the production of semen, upsetting the activity of the thyroid glands, and cancer cell growth.

So, What Sex Toys Are Non-Toxic?

The purpose of this article isn’t to make you fear using a sex toy, but to help educate you so that you don’t end up stuck with toxic sex toys. Now that you know what to avoid, let’s go over a list of body-safe toys that can bring you years of enjoyment. 

Green Light These Body-Safe Materials

Break resistant borosilicate glass

You may have already guessed that sex toys made from non-porous materials are among the most body-safe sex toys. These materials include:

Another perk to toys made of body-safe materials is that they work great with any lubes, are not prone to microbial buildup, free of phthalates, generally non-reactive, and extremely easy to clean and disinfect. 

Why You Can Trust to Buy Body-Safe Sex Toys

At, we are committed to providing the largest selection of high-quality body-safe products in the industry. If you should find that an item arrives damaged or defective, just reach out to our customer service department within 7 days of order delivery regarding a replacement. Ultimately, we want you to feel confident and safe in buying an adult product from us. 

Just call us at 866-386-5683 or send us a message at if you have any questions regarding product warranties, product specifics, or an order placed.

Don’t forget that we offer free shipping for orders above $69. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook for even more product information.

Sex toys